

  1. Go with Sir Jourat Odesart to the Amba mines in the northwest of Ka'al to investigate a sudden outbreak of unexpleaned murders.
  2. Also, the nearby village of Loban has been affected. Furthermore, Loban has failed to pay i's annual tax and the Lord of Loban, Sir Kathel Dezaller has not replied to the written inquiries sent to him weeks ago. Rogsara is under direct command of Sir Jourat Odesart.


The midsummer festival:
  • Rogsara lost the archers contest at the fair.
  • Rogsara won the contest at the pyramid and won a scarab, that later turned out to be magical.
  • The amba mines and the village of Loban:
  • En route to the mines, they slept in a small village named Hesby, Rogsara talked to a local man who told them that Sir Jourat Odesart is not on talking terms with his uncle, who apparently lives there. This is due to Jourat's father who left a great deal of his lands to his brother, Sir Ercamber Odesar.

  • The NPC

    Sulat the Druid

    A druid living in Pipitul Woodlands. He is the brother of marquis Fanam D'Melpar in Paketa. Sulat found Rogsara as an infant and adobted her.

    Marquis Fanam D'Melpar

    Brother of Sulat the Druid and father to Takane. He accepted Rogsara as a guard when Sulat the Druid asked him to.

    Takane D'Melpar

    A friend of Rogsara's, Takane who is the daughter of the marquis. Takane is very beautiful, selfaware and she often slips away from the estate into the city where she parties as there is no tomorrow. This often attracks trouble; men fight over her and their wifes attack her. Rogsara intervened once when Takane was cought in the middle of a fight and they became friends. Poor Ragil is hopelessly in love with Takane who is aware of his state of mind but does not have equally feelings. She treats him nicer than she treats other men in his situation, though, Ragil being a friend of Rogsara's.


    Another friend of Rogsara's: a young Fhokki guardsman, Ragil, who is also in the service of the marquis. Like Rogsara, Ragil is not from town and both being strangers and hired by the marquis about the same time, they sought each others company. Poor Ragil is hopelessly in love with Takane who is aware of his state of mind but does not have equally feelings. She treats him nicer than she treats other men in his situation, though, Ragil being a friend of Rogsara's.

    Saryf the bowmaker

    A close friend that Rogsara has is old Saryf, a dejy citizen who owns a small store simply called: "Bows and Arrows". Rogsara usually buys the raw materials for her arrows in his shop and the old man has taken the time to teach Rogsara about making arrows and bows and about using them. Saryf has a very special love for archery which Rogsara shares.

    The NP - Story

    Sir Jourat Odesart

    Works for Marquis Fanam D'Melpar. He lost the jousting at the midsummer festival in Paketa to Sir Kathel Dezaller.

    Sir Ercamber Odesart

    The uncle of Sir Jourat Odesart, who was benefitted when Jourats father died over Jourat.

    Sir Kathel Dezaller

    The lord over the village of Loban.

    He won the jousting at the midsummer festival in Paketa (where he competed against Sir Jourat Odesart). Sir Kathel wore the colours of Lady Takane and he saluted her from the field occasionally but Rogsara notices Lady Takane to wince with disgust after every falsely polite smile back to the Sir. She whispers to Rogsara, "Unh... That old man seems to have some dreams about me still after years of his unskilled and uncourteous attempts..." She sighs. He is rough and his title was won only a few generations ago. However, he is a master with lance and his horse.

    Tirannon and Lanellan of Latidu

    Two very competent elf archers and brothers, who won the archers competition at the midsummers festival in Paketa. Rogsara is very impressed by them.

    The PC

    Brond Darien Smythe
    Human Male Former gladiator, stableboy Has become a close friend of Rogsara's. Used to be a slave/gladiator. Big fellow.
    Melekit Tilmann Berger
    Human Male Cleric Fat and eating. Seems to know a lot.
    Inala Diane Hutton
    Human Female Scribe and dancer Seems nice. A good dancer. Psionics.
    Tobi Duncan Fielden
    Human Male A very young artist. Mage. Tomahawks. Has a horse named Trimoon.


    Midsummer festival at Paketa

    Met Brond, Inala, Tobi and Melekit for the first time. Everyone became employed by Marquis D'Melpar. Brond won The Alley of the Dead, Rogsara entered the archers competition but was bested by (among others) two elves. She won the contest at the pyramid, however (prize: a magical scarab).

    Amba mines and Village of Loban